This is the album I was listening this morning, and because what I have gone through and the experience of this morning.... Then now when I watched this video for the first time... yellow? haha.
What is more to come? Here is a sample of what I wrote in the note...
I am also creating the playlist named - 12.........a bit of backtracking but it wasn't there...
Does all druggies have the same dream? Do the same thing?
Majority may not, they do some other things may or may not be necessary....
The minority - Why would you exclude them if they can even prove they are different?
Stars - Oh this is not just old school and rubbish, the history believed in it for a reason... Is our ancestors are dumb? Think twice perhaps... The question is can be judge it before knowing it all? Do we know all the stars? Do we know everything about it? Even scientifically - well you tell me what you think....
I am saying this NOT because I want any extensions - To be fair, I never wanted it. I am not afraid of dying, I am not afraid of living. I too don't want to die but hey, it is quite insignificant to what I am here for and fairly, if I have to be reasonable, I wonder who would have wanted my life anyway. If that is the case, then tell me, why do I need to be here? Why do I have to keep going? For what? One difference is that the "older" history had to "build" up to it, their survival is necessary. What would you say for the one that is finish line.... They don't need to move it right? It is there, you reach it or not. The problem it a moving one aiming for the line (with you when it is right), but the destination is not defined by you.
Something interesting (unrelated or maybe it is)... yesterday Police said you are a meth user.... have you been using any tonight or affected by it. I said I have tried it (Meth) and then asked the second police officer, mmm.... why the question right? Am I not presentable as a reasonable person? Am I out of the ordinary? He also looked at me strangely and not knowing what to answer (because you can ask any reasonable public, to see if someone see me on the street - would they think that I am high and should be off the street or they wouldn't even have a clue because I was presented no different than a normal ordinary one?)...well it is recorded by their cam anyway - can review it if you like, perhaps even listen to my answer... it is a version of the truth, despite some description may .... well be a different interpretation... what I consumed, is it called a food, an ingredient, or can it be more descriptive (but still make sense in a reasonable term)... Have you watched The Wheel Of Time? They who do not lie (female group majority)....the Dragon and the Main - somehow, is male. All inclusive! Want some extra? Try their initials and see if it means more.... DR? DM? OP? AS? TR? Even BR? DO? BOM.... haha.
Old Rules? Can't talk - I can. Can't name? I can. With Reasons!
There is only one, in history of time. Because that one is enough, one for you, so you don't need another. So that the future doesn't even need to hide and do the unnecessary things anymore. It is good for both spectrum. Oh well, if I am wrong - then let it be wrong. Have the other side, continue what is happening, is it really what anyone would have wanted? If you look at the possibility, you know that well, in the rarest chance of occurrence, can it be substituted? Or it may just better to be real.... So when I say this and that, and even with a person of my love... is it the same for me, for you, for others? Is love = truth love? I am speechless now too as I'm typing. It is a reckoning for myself too.... It too is a learning for me. Did someone ever told me that? No. I am just typing and learning at the same time. It is like reading, or writing the simple sentences, only to discover a little bit more meanings of it. That is just like reading any material, any books, any thing to be fair... what's your take on it, it is for the reader to keep. Just to answer some questions that may be presented in the society - even if you can read a thought, the deeper meaning isn't revealed until it is time to reveal, and often the thoughts (raw, sleeping on it, blah blah blah) may not be good enough, it is just a chance... hence I am sure my writing, can worth more than my thoughts were, hopefully for others too.
Today - I think another album is great - Bridge by CS. It is sad, but true.
Chain? Let me break some for you if you are chained. It seems weird but let me put it down anyway and see if it has some truth to it. Fucked by me, is not the same as fucked by others. Isn't it funny too? But at the same time, how do you know when the right one is anyway? So it can be wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, right, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong..... (wrong as in not the same, call it different if it works better). But if you don't try, how do you know? What is being fucked anyway? I am pretty sure it wasn't a torture anyway... I remembered seeing examples of people got destroyed by others because of that. And messed up my chance for doing something too. So true. So now you know why, (oh all of a sudden, for me too). Why it isn't a lie when the fuck is good, then you "say" is shit. Because if others are making it as the something others should do (with another), it may not be the case. It is not like they can say, well for this person, it is alright, not for others.... any truth to it? Well, is it an one time fuck, or somehow they wanted to do it again, even when they say no (the no for others). Even I have trouble to put it in a simple sentence.... is there some truth to it? I am sure some fuck better than I am, but the experience can be different, the connection is different. The touch...... is different.
Update - Right this moment, I don't have enough money to pay for my domain... so for some, may be worthwhile to keep the full link if you want... What I do know, I would prefer to be in a hotel (right for me only for what I do, and because of the thing I am subjected to). I hate the fact that I can't even do what a normal person can do. Have you thought of the feeling of wanting to have sex but no place (even when you have a supposedly private place)? No wonder my mum did say about just stay in the hotel. Even I remember someone commented (maybe not to me, but I felt he was), at the W hotel, saying, if this guy needs a suite at W everyday, it is worth it. Indeed, I was able to make that money too (but short lived) as I too feel, some didn't want that to happen. It isn't a joke to make 5 digits legally everyday. As I said before, the life isn't glorious even money is there, with my restrictions, my experiences, my things to consider, I can say not many people would put their hands up for a role like this. Did I mention that dying young (see this post) can also be on the cards too? It is science and at the same time, a bit biblical too!