You Are The Reason | 16號愛人 | Where I Stood |
Guess what - Since I must trust you (I love you), you can call whatever you want, and for some reasons, I know it isn't even you who did this. But do you remember me saying don't test that thing that aren't meant for you, and certainly do not venture in for those when you don't respect their rules.
This weekend, was fuck ups after fuck ups. You, I can forgive, because it is you. But when you don't acknowledge it, I have to wonder what the other side would say. For example, if good (eg universe, god, the higher power, nature whatever that isn't human) aka force majeure, that is communicated in plain English, and somehow it still got wrong. Why?
It is good that you captured the audio, and at least I was saying have you considered what is suppressing. If Christ is good, what happens if it were you? I wonder if Christ' daily survival / living / alive, is a blessing in its own. Maybe this weekend, somehow I said I wanted to see you alone, been thrown around for hours, ended up with some more, don't get me wrong, they are attractive, but those day was meant to be private. I want to speak to you with some of the things but maybe ok. Maybe you aren't ready, that's is ok by me. I did expect that the first night would be a waste, ok. Second night, is it going to be a waste, ended up yes and I literally lost my phone now. In the darkest moment, I wonder who hit me, I wonder why, I wonder how? Have you changed? I feel like there is a disconnect somehow. If Christ says he is gay, and what would you say? What will you do? have to believe in spirits, how do you know which is which.
Then I wonder and searched the google - The exorcism of god.
What if that you see, sounds foreign to you.... did you record it on purpose? Just to show what God/Jesus sounds like? Is it pain? Is it for you? Is it a warning? Is it a preview?
Is it "they" telling you, ok don't choose that, then the other "comes out". I would like to you all to tell me what happen literally, no lies, full disclosure. Did it tell you to leave vulnerable? or was it the invincible? who are you angry to? Why?
Now you know why that extra considerations, someone may be ought to consider.
I am happy because now, it seems to be everyone but me.
I will spare the details for the following day. I love you and hence I am not passing the blame.
You know, it would be fair to blame that if it is fair and square. What are the differences, what else did you know. Have you noticed anything weird.
If your friend is sick, will you help or leave him alone?
If your friend has money trouble, will you help or take more from him?
I know you would, no doubt, that is by "default". It means anything that goings wrong, the going in position couldn't be us. If it doesn't making us both happy, then something is off, not because of us, but no choice? This means something, someone else is causing it. Those will be first be looked at right? Anything unusual, suspicious..... means escalation. It is just normal business. Again, for all good intentions, it is really hard to justify it any differently if my position is also considered. I am glad, something physical is now going to deal with it. So me & my lover of my choice, is ok.
Shapes of me, not a good sign.
I am not wanted, I am not good enough, otherwise tell me why this is like that. Nah, shop not open for us when things aren't right. Again, that's by default, otherwise how else you would know. I am glad that there are better people out there, trust me, seeing the next, and the next next, not easy, more than difficult. I was very close to climb the gate, close call. Her turn now? If you look closely, you know even nature, animal spirits can have conscious, assessing special, the procedure is meant to be different. Have you not considered that? I hope this post will help. I used up all my money, even begged a few for a night. Now indeed, I am ready to go other side.... they say i am the kindest... the next, ought to be less.