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What The Hell

Writer's picture: CTCT

It is really that simple.

The way to hell is literally just that. And the way to get out of hell is just that too.

Once you understand the process, it just makes sense.

A couple, in some way is just defined as something more than one.

Some people prefer 1on1, some may even be able to do it in a larger group. It is actually up to the group itself, and to be fair, it isn't other people's business.

True love itself, just like the video, is a process. It may have more than just 1 person in it. But when you love someone, you just love them. It doesn't mean there is no pain at all. No love has no pain... That is just the reality. Why? If you care to love, then you care to be in a process, a journey...No one has a life that doesn't have pain. Not even Jesus. Not even us.

Love does not equal romance. Love is just love. You can even ask any fathers or mothers, do they love their child? Did their child ever cause them pain? Annoyed them in any way? It is just part of the process if you think of it and be able to tell the truth. Once again, it is all about the intention, and to be fair, treat others how you want to be treated is a good way to "look" at it. Then add in, forgiveness, I think with time, it leads to a better place.

It is no different to the last supper - Jesus' last supper table, isn't 1on1. I think the table had hater too. He who born in the middle, to me, seems to promote harmony, rather than division. A bit of this, a bit of that. Even if the groups are all male, it is all ok. After all, we are just humans and we all have our differences. But the most important thing, is that down in our core, we share so much in similarities. Some people like red, some like blue, and that is ok, they still can live together in harmony, it is not meant to be forced upon. There isn't a need to say your way is wrong if it doesn't sit right with someone. Because if we can't accept our differences, the division is unlimited. If we don't learn how to "love" each other, what else do we have?

Without seeing the colour - how do you know that he is white? black? yellow? Does it even matter? If I was him, I would say - butt off. As if my colour makes any difference in terms of learnings. If so, all next to him, were sinners. Because they aren't a 100% copies. It also means, you don't need to "copy" 100% of what he is. Or else, Jesus would not be a person, it would be a species, or a cell.... wait it can't be - can't even be an atom if we consider the spin... fuck - where do I find the exact copy? technically, even a copied photo, can have different time stamps (metadata)...located in a different memory slots. It is way too hard to be the same... so think of it, are we going towards division, or unity through aceptance?

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