If you know this song - have you heard of the following interpretation before?
Sun.... Ka Boom
Why so special? Anyone is replaceable right? No of course not, the special one appears to have a TWINS in another dimension. So that special one can alarm you when the future does change...
No matter how you want to CREATE this in this world, therefore, it doesn't work. It is not about the DNA etc... you may control the pre-requisite, but if chance is not on your side, there isn't any use...
Time travel is not completely "impossible", what that means in reality...has yet to be determined. But at the very least, your imagination - can you give a glimpse of what it looks like. The question now becomes - how far can you go and how real does it get.
But what is the problem?
1 side thinks you are dodgy (because it is out of norm), the other side thinks they have to do what needs to be done. So they attack each other... But in reality, they all just wanted the same thing and there wasn't a need to even fight... So if that is the case, what do you do? Do you just go back and fix it from the start? (Sun.... Ka Boom)** - Seeing / Understanding -> Not Killing All -> Back to where? How? How do you solve misunderstandings?
I know my words here, some may find it challenging / some may think that it shouldn't even be available online? But when the time is critical, this is what I can do, voice gets louder, words a bit more bolder...If it doesn't work? Music stops, I stop, and everything related, gone. Who do I love?
感性後... 東京人壽? Oh I love sexyback! I gave you all, but you guys took me for granted, used me, abused me, and left me with nothing to my own. I am struggling... How should I feel right this moment, please teach me and explain.