This pretty much described so much for the last couple of days.
Including the random people I met on the street... Timing is really an interesting thing, do we work with time, or do we say we are "controlled" by it and go against it? So why is there such a difference when it comes to other things?
Someone said to me Religious / Church = God, well I actually think it is not the case. The ranking is all messed up. It is like saying iPhone = Mobile Phone. Well... it is just a part of the latter... The power may be to me, have never told me to go on war... but if I believe in it, does it may it religious, especially when things are also blending with science... In this scenario, what am I? Am I a religious believer or do I need to come up with a new label in order not to be branded as promoting something that is completely different to others' idea in mind. Don't we have enough labels already? But I guess what I can only do is to write, and hopefully one day, more understandings can be achieved in this world, so that these types of miscommunication can be removed.
PS: TBC - Many stories are within this song. Hotel weekend, it is not the way I want it, it is the way it ended up this way.