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Truth Of Being United

Christian Tang

Have you ever wondered what is the real truth?

Have you ever considered what is the whole truth?

We as a society often jump into conclusion too quickly, so many "lies"... In a way, this is correct. So what if the whole truth is to accept each truth may have its unknown and lies within, it all comes down to perspectives, timing, and to "whom".

Why? How is this possible?

As usual, people, religious, bible, others, science, the truth is none really have all truths, but the better ones, have a mechanism of self improving / correcting / updating and preserving, it promotes continuation, and inclusiveness. Those would have the largest considerations, so that it can be "closer" to wholesome and be able to be relevant with time, or be updated accordingly with time.

Even with science, if it no longer have "curiosity", or be able to explore / update, it is no different to another religious or lies anyway. Just like even at current day, a snapshot of now, can we confident to put our hands on our heart - what we have today in science is "perfect" with no "error"? It is the "absolute" truth with no room for improvement, constructive argument? Of course not, otherwise it wouldn't science right? How could we not be curious in a way?

So how about religious? How about Bible? Well it is the same, it seems to me that it has a "mechanism" to update itself in time, words aren't that literal in its own, but never too far off from good per se. What is good is purely again, intention. If you want to use Bible for bad, your agenda isn't pure, Bible is just as bad as science. Does it have error, well yes, if it was translated incorrectly, of course, it can lead to misunderstanding, a different idea. But there is also the basic / core, that allow people to understand what could have gone wrong, and improve it per se. Those written words are there to stay, what meaning can change, understanding of it certainly can, and remember, in the realm of spiritualism, it is not physical per se, there are more levels to it, there are hidden values, otherwise, it is just science. I guess this is the initial truth it tries to paint, telling us, it is not what just you see, hear..... Oh, do I have to go to church every Sunday? Some do, I don't. But does it mean Bible has no value to me? Absolutely not, as I can very often find some useful things in it, that aligns to the current world, spiritual world, connection, science stuff in it. And I have not used it as a weapon. Because the Bible has the whole truth, it is showing you the whole truth is just that, if it without error (from something), it won't be the whole truth. Whether you can figure that bit out and be able to use it as part of the translation, then yeah... you will be stuck in the church every Sunday (looping). It is a different journey for everyone, but the intention really counts...

PS: A simple example - what colour is this text that you are reading? Some may say blue, some may correct it by saying it is shades of blue, some even be able to give you a specific colour code and claim this is "the colour" (Science). How about adding the following:

  • Monitor - is it showing that colour?

  • Audience - what if they can't see that tone.

  • Time - what if that person goes colour blind tomorrow?

All of a sudden, the real truth, is that there is always unknown. A realm where God would play if it exists.



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