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The Reason

Christian Tang

It is going to be a quick one for this - as this song can be replayed many times and it gives me different meaning as time goes by.

But to me, the underlying message is quite clear and potentially a critical moment in human history - relating to technology, trust, human evolution and time is "running out".

This video, obviously covers with a general theme of stealing. It has a vault (manual), CCTV (VCR), a lot of back in the days technology. Do you ever wonder, what this translates into this modern world? With technology advancement, is it better for us as a society, or is it actually getting worse? Was it the issue of technology, or was it human behaviors?

The "fake" accident, also highlighted the fact that good people get hurts. The shop owner was kind enough (I am giving him the benefit of the doubt) to walk out of the shop, perhaps to make sure she is ok, or at least be a witness if it is required down the track?! But this act of kindness, also opened up the opportunity for them to steal the ruby. You could argue the shop owner is stupid to leave his stop unattended, but at the same time, it is actually no difference to any of our own home, we don't stay in our home 24/7. We can have the best security system, and still can't prevent theft 100%, especially if it is planned like this one. It literally is a lost game to start with anyway, one is being targeted, left in the dark (not knowing), the other side knows exactly what they are doing. The owner had some sort of security in place, but ended up being useless anyway.

To me what seems to be important here - is that do we need to start losing all trust to each other? Is this what the world getting to? Is this something that both sides ought to consider, do we continue this battle (which seems to be no ending), fear and stress increases daily, losing trust on each other, then probably to your friends, neighbors, literally anyone? With deep fakes, what can you really rely on? Just like this news article, it is actually happening in our lives, the conditions are real... Is zero trust the key? Sounds very amazing isn't it? From a technology point of view, maybe it even make sense...But will that cause other negative effect on human behaviours / cultures and such impact (if prolonged), couldn't be fixed in a click of a button... what will we do in the future? Will it all be too late? Without trust, or in a more deteriorated state, how do we even fix, if a fix was necessary...

PS: I am not sure if I should include more future aspects into this piece... but I think I have seen "a version" of it, that I know, "no one" would like to be in.



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