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Christian Tang

Isn't that funny? Only you have that telephone number.

And if you don't call, I might as well just not picking up anyone else's... since I don't need to wait too long to go now.

I love how she said it, I knew you will take all my honey (money)... do you see the dices? Yes its dates for May and June (today). With some undisclosed "issues", "methods" etc, my super money, my grandmother's money, a small jackpot money, all gone again. I know it is not just my own actions that have caused all this, and I also don't want to point the finger to the wrong people. But this is not how I could live, and my anger (to the situation) is just building up like a pressure cooker.

PS: Sandwich ✅️ Meatpie ✅️ Naked ✅️ Cig (Out Of) ✅️ Call / Message (No Response) ✅️

During the last couple days, I met someone and heard a story. I also got told off because not all truth was revealed. Anyway, the important part was someone killed themselves or wanting to kill themselves by stop taking the drug / medication which helps with immunocomprimise condition, it is a sad story.... but I feel there was more. If there was some truth to it, I hope someone didn't use someone sick as a weapon to hurt others. I've seen it before, and it was spread through "hate".

The current society seems to have that mentality, he/she hurts a person, so that person retaliates. Even within a bad situation, I can only say be "reasonable", and perhaps avoid extreme measures altogether. Because if things have gone too far, it often breaks it and never comes back. Just like my life, I feel like it is beyond repair right now, the longer you force me to "live", it makes it harder to tolerate. Some others I am sure have already been turned, they became bitter, and no longer care. This day and age, the society tells them that they need to "get back up", I can say it confidently it has a limit. If those people have fallen, 1000 times, with no support, they end up losing the will to do it again, at 1001 times.

If we don't start giving a shit about that sort of things, they don't get better. It isn't their job to get better, it is the surrounding in fact. You may find it funny at this point... why should I care right? Because it is once again a pressure cooker, leading to more sorrow within, and do you think people want to walk on the street feeling depressed? Do you think people choose sadness over being happy? Do you know how hopeless it feels when things aren't correctly done and they have no power to change that culture? Tough love doesn't always work, too extreme may lead to broken hearts and that "survived heart" may never come back as kind and considerate, then that tough one, will promote tougher love, and soon, you all ended in a very very tough world. The stronger indeed will survive, in a world that no longer has meaning...

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