Isn't this video interesting?
Do you wonder what does it mean?
It mentions when you closed your eyes... perhaps to me is when situation isn't clear, not seeing clearly. Or even when you do think you know, the answer could turn out to be completely different. That's why I choose to believe in myself, even if that comes with hesitation from time to time.
Little do you know that I could have submitted workcover but I have been delayed and delayed it....I probably didn't want to do it, just in case another person had to go through what I went through. It is also because the whole scenario was just too complication - like me, a superstar became nothing, the good (others) too became the bad, it is like they have their own hesitation as well. It is like people are out of character everywhere and trust me, I can back it up. I just didn't know why. I sensed something was going on and fought back (defend) as much as I could. Even today, I wonder if someone there literally wanted it to fall apart and therefore removed me? Or could they have removed me, because the falling would be so ugly? There are a millions of scenario in it, and probably multiple issues too and no one can ever pinpoint it. That's why I am angry, with the situation, rather than people. Maybe this is why in this video, "people" are very limited. Can you imagine that good people can also do wrong thing, so a wrong can be made right? If so, are they wrong? What if then the wrong people then flipped and make those "good" people bad? Tricky hey?
What if there wasn't any wrong people to start with and didn't see the whole picture, been told different things and for whatever reasons? I am sure this scenario doesn't come very often but I couldn't say the current world is "completely normal". I can only be guided by my own compass, at least I know what I am doing, even if it means being idle.
I wonder if violence is actually solved by telling the truth. It may hurt, but isn't that a way of moving forward? Violence breaks people and divide further and without trust, what is there to rebuild? If understanding have a chance to bring people together, is it worth a try? Some may break at the start, but I think history taught us, eventually it gets better from that point onward... It isn't easy, but I can't think of a scenario where a big lie, don't turn into a bigger one, and a giant one... even I said that, the other side is exactly the above, lying doesn't necessary mean bad, what if the intention is right? Could there be another method? Maybe. But I am sure everyone at least tried to do what they are aware at that time... Is this why I have been idle? I have a lot of anger in me, because it wasn't right, but I know revenge wasn't high on my agenda. It wasn't easy to "not understand" and feel like "shit cards" are dishing around, but I know I can at least not have ill intention to others, isn't that already better than fighting?
Oh, oh, where do we begin?
The rubble or our sins?
?????? Who knows...................... ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????