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I'll Be There For...

Christian Tang

Noticing 0:15 in this video which is like #Remembrance, which has a great significance to me.

And through it - it reminds me of:

1 Corinthians 15

Mystery and Victory

Death is swallowed up in victory.

O death, where is your victory?

O death, where is your sting?

FRIENDS - Such a good show right?

Do you know what friends are? Recently, I spoke to one of my friend and shared different views on this. You probably have heard of the term "Friends with Benefits"... and I often wonder why it has to be this complicated?

To me, whether you are straight or gay, or any others - you still can sleep with "friends". Just like this TV show, I am sure Rachel has done it multiple times and she is still awesome! When jealousy is removed from sex, then it makes everything else better, that's how I see it. When sex is not used as a weapon, it is just part of being human, a lot of people do it, it is nothing bad per se, so long it's consented. Maybe that's why when open relationship works, it really works and I dare to say those couples may even be happier than others.

Love is an interesting thing, how do you measure it? Do I love my friend any less than a romantic partner? Would you be able to share that love between your own parents to a soulmate? In the end, why can't we just measure it by happiness, and how much you can handle the pain that often comes with loving someone?!

Have we been conditioned in this society and I wonder when people would notice that it doesn't matter which side you are on, your friends, family, kids may very well be ended up on the other side - so why can't we start loving each other for it?



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