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Hotel California (Live 1977) & 1111

Christian Tang

This one apparently is the live version of 1977's concert. But in my mind, this brings me back to 1877 and in Australia, there is a story about Ned Kelly. To me, it is the spirit calling out through time. Don't believe me, just listen to it, then read the story and see if you can feel it yourself. 100 years - perhaps have a meaning of living beyond this realm. Time is pretty much less relative outside the physical realm.

If I have to call out one particular item. I think it would be Ned's trial, his remarks, the judge's response and how everything ended in the end (in this world) anyway. "Such is life"...his final words, perhaps I will add my 2 cents - Indeed - the cycle of life, similar but not the same, how many cycles? It is not eternal.

This article is such a good read. The end mentions:

His Honour then sentenced the prisoner to death in the usual form, ending with the usual words, “May the Lord have mercy on your soul.” The prisoner: “I will go a little further than that, and say I will see you there where I go.

One was sentenced to death and died on 11 November 1880 (aged 25)

Melbourne, Colony of Victoria, Australia. Then on 23 November 1880, only twelve days after Kelly's execution, Redmond Barry (Judge) died from what the doctors described as "congestion of the lungs and a carbuncle in the neck".

This is actually nothing new, a lot of studies / movies / investigations were done. To me, it is why it is resurfacing now? Did you know the movie was released in 1970? Now go back to the song and do you ever wonder what happened in 1969? If there was spirits, why aren't they rest in peace right now? Usually when things escalated to me.... It is often at a critical point, at least this is what I think....

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