Dedicated this to all people out there that who wanted less sorrow, regardless which side you are on. When you fight, and focus on our differences, people get hurt, it doesn't matter which side you come from, and stand for which side, both get hurt.
I chose this video because at the start, you see policemen, police cars etc. But do you know they can be angels too? They are also humans, going through what they go through. They put themselves out there, it couldn't be anything easy. Then the video goes on and said something about the "law" itself, which instantly becomes political. In human history, a good civilisation has laws... But throughout its history, we also have bad laws, and thus some countries prosper better when those laws / fundamentals move with time and humans together. Cruelty / Extreme usually get faded out etc. The irony here is where do you think our world is heading? The good die young or the other way around?
Police is enforcement, I feel they could even be trapped at times, between duty vs others. Then it made their job even harder, I am sure those politicians hardly consider that point when making their campaigns. Getting the swinging votes may just be more important for them, than consider the whole consequences and the potential flow on impacts. But that's for another day's topic, and for the good politicians to deal with. My mum told me once to draw the line there... To be honest, politic never interests me, because if it is often one-sided, it isn't for me. Maybe that's the exact reason I stay away from it! As a mere nobody, an invisible person, I can stay away from the battle. But policemen can't, they don't get to choose, they just have to. So they do, and ended up hurting themself mentally too, that's why they cry too.
In the end, you will find it isn't people that people hate, or dislike. It is often just the "situation" itself, and instead of fighting people, I wonder why the root cause can't be resolved and make better for everyone else. Just like this song, if the law itself - is can't be spoken, don't talk about it. Do you follow it and teach other don't speak? What could be the reason? How would the child knows? What choice does he have, when he appears to be in the middle and represents both sides. If he couldn't be "copied" per se (all those monitors shutting off, and he remains). does he mean there isn't an option for him, except heaven?
When he was singing up there, did they feel it or did they hear it? Was he alive or dead?
But regardless, I saw peace for all of them, a smile, something nicer than before...