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Elastic Heart

Christian Tang

Do I see things differently sometime?

I read some comments on youtube, and it seems people interpreted it very literally. I wonder if there was any possibility relating to our "origin" in a way.

What IF:

  • The "little girl" you see, was the size of an adult (current time), and the other counter part was a larger person?

  • Is larger better?

  • Why don't we? Or did we, and ended up reducing?

There is trade off for everything, I believe it has something to do with energy consumption, our primal instincts etc and are all connected in a way.

I saw a post recently about someone asking why Rome Statues have smaller penises. It is a good question...

Remember why we (humans) are powerful. It is because of our mind. Our physiques come within a spectrum, and our world literally needs it all. We can't have everyone who is thinker, we can't all be bodybuilders. That is not just what "I" want, it is partially genetic too.

Further Reading - Australian Museum

Regardless of our body types, I think the song is about human hearts.

Even male have emotions, and I am a firm believer of having emotion doesn't make male less manly. It makes them more human to be honest. Went things go too far, which is the other end of the spectrum - anger, violence takes over and it really doesn't do any good to anyone (either male or female). It is like when you lost your "soul", we are not different to animals, and probably worse as domestic animals are at least kind in nature.

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