I have just stumble across with some news which probably have been flowing around for quite some time. And today's post is not about those specific incidents, which I assume they are being handled by the appropriate channel. But because of my past experience, I feel as a society, we can do better than this.
We are in a very weird period of time, a world where things aren't quite as normal as it seems.
Since this is about the church, I guess I might use a religious reference and a different perspective to talk about it. If God is almighty, any issues with church, I assume would be dealt with by natural power. For this, I think it has some relevance to Ephesians Chapter 3
My take on this is, God if exists, it is like the entire company, any churches would be like a branch or a spokeperson. So if there was any wrongdoing, does 1 church's action, represent the whole lot? And even if all churches had a different point of view, does it represent God's true intention? I remember once I saw on the TV, one of the priest or the pope said - "We are also humans and we also make mistakes.". I guess this is pretty much the truth, I don't think we can find any humans who don't.
In this current society, I think it is easy to jump into conclusion, even with myself, sometimes I find it difficult not to "judge", for that I may not have all the information at hand. If things are fair, specific incident should be dealt with accordingly but no need to create division/war for the entire group. The reason I say this because I remember hearing comments like "Churches are corrupted, therefore no God, look this is what they did.". I guess in my mind, is that true? How could it be all churches? All priests? Are we saying that none of them can be good? Is it like saying a company has no bad employees at all? Does bad incidents like Hillsong - can undo all the good any churches had?
If we don't ever ask questions like this, it is so easy to get blinded by opinionated news and letting people to use these examples to create divisions, wars elsewhere. If we continue to go down that road - do we need more censorships from the government? On one hand, freedom of news / report is essential to any democracy countries, but if we are so easy to get "triggered" and becoming violent to each other, wouldn't that be the right answer for the government to control? Neither options are right to me, all I can hope is things don't get to that far. Because it seems to me, when things get too far, all become losers.
PS: I guess if anyone believes in God, then I am sure HE works in a mysterious way. As a final note, I am pretty sure some churches accept gay people, some I am not sure. If those force majeure type of events are truly an act of God, I think God has really spoken. Anything that leads people away from happiness, or towards war just aren't sitting right with the 10 commandment (which to me, has other meanings - and those words aren't written for war, or anything that towards aggression).
Just as a joke - I think HE will say something like - leave those gay kids (in HIS eye, all adults are kids) alone. As well as, don't cause any more problems to them, as in changing them. They are the way they are and that is exactly what it means to love and not to hate.
Regardless, I think despite any adversities, we can still treat people with respect (religious or not). Forgive those who have done wrong, and let it be a reminder of what is happening in the world. No one can turn back time, moving forward is hard enough as it is, no one really needs it to be even harder. Even if this post seems to be religious base, I am sure it is also applicable to many other things in our world.