I remembered when I worked at the bank, there was a department named Prevention & Detection. The function itself brings tremendous value to the organisation, like hidden insights that we don't know about and it definitely has a good synergy with the Remediation counterpart (where I worked). But in hindsight, I think data is just data, and report is just report, if it doesn't get used wisely. Perhaps this is also ties to the risk appetite of the organisation, and whether the managements are doing all they can within the guideline.
Why do I say this? Risk and chance, they go hand in hand. 0 Risk, risk-free doesn't mean it is the best, or better. As a bank, we need to take risk, and rewards are greater due to the risk premium factor. But we also have to minimise the exposure, so not too much risk is taken. I guess this is why bankers get paid quite decently as each decision can potentially impact the company, and customers, and even the external environments like government (credit rating), economy stability (funding, cost, future investments, growth) etc.
I wonder if this is new to you and whether you would agree? If someone has "prevented" the potential adverse incident, which means eliminated the chance of its occurrence. Is this a good thing? To me, it may not be completely, especially if the event has not happened yet. Because by elimination, it means the associated learnings, potential change of actions can no longer happen. It is almost like avoided the 50% chance of bad, but 100% removed the good (learnings). At the end of the day, is it worth it.
Like butterfly effect, will you remove WWI or WWII if you could? Sounds like a good thing yeah? What if then it triggers WWI now? Do you think it is such a good idea now? History was there (despite it could be perceived as bad event or what not), so we can look into and learn, it also help to shape our current state. Without the suffering from the past, where is the peace of today going to come from? But what surprises me the most is, are we still stuck in reverse? Are we having more extreme measures? For what reasons? Suppression?
PS: I always go for chances, opportunities, possibilities - rather than being fixated with fears, overprotection (controlling) and miss out what life should be. The best outcome, often comes with risks... but that is me, this path surely at times, be a lot rockier than others. So choose wisely. Roller-coaster vs flat line (elevated plateau or below the line)!
If my life has been quite shit (eg not fully 100%, does it mean the jump would be insane later on?) - I just hope I have enough life in me to see that.