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3 More Days To Go

Christian Tang

Say My Name

One More Light

Here Without You

I didn't expect this week would be that difficult, the closer it gets to the end of the 40 days, the more unsettled feelings I get. In this chaos, it does have a calming effect too, it is like the suffering will soon to be over.

Just like any other days, my head is filled with more and more questions than ever.

Like why did he do this? Is there a reason behind it? If so, why did or didn't this happen?

What else could be going on? What am I supposed to do. Then it is coupled with communication breaking down. What I say, is not what he gets. What he says, may not be what he wants to say... It is like no matter what I choose to do, it just going to be pear-shaped.

I don't want to burden anyone too much, so I choose to hide and not even try to engage. Because knowing the past, one small hit on me, I can just breakdown completely. But hiding is also equally damaging, as the light goes out of the tunnel slowly over the years and now I am walking in the dark, numb.

In this day and age, how do you love without being judged? Do you call, or don't you call. Do you text or don't you text? Do you really need to pretend, or do we ever at peace? The first song, says it all - DC. There is some kind of confusion there, it is like going through similar settings, different colours, same people, but not sure which is which. The second song, I wish those two mugs could be used together. Her instinct suggests to get them both - carnival mug and the rose one. But the reality is different, he isn't here, the carnival isn't needed no more. The music box was broken - but she fixed it. The box is indeed beautiful, I am sure I have seen something similar in real life and it isn't even far.......

Then the third song appears quickly - I know it is a sign because it has the rose/flower cup on one side and the carnival resemblance lamp on the other side. Just like this title suggested, 3 doors down, 3 days left. Maybe this is the best, this way, whatever untold, will not be necessary, your secrets, will forever be safe with me. I just hope that I have the courage to see it through till the end.

Updated - Feature Art.



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